Run To Stand Still

Run To Stand Still

Am I getting anywhere?

Why do I feel like I’m going a hundred miles an hour? Why are things going every which way but the way they are supposed to? Do I just not understand myself? I feel as though every single day is getting harder and more confusing. Does this happen to everyone? Does it ever stop? Will I ever feel good about the way things are in my life?

I look down the road and see that I can be happy, but I think I am happy now too. I’m just becoming an independent. I am figuring things out on my own. They just seem chaotic as I figure them out. In the end I’m still me no matter how things end up aren’t I? I ran the distance to see that I might go through changes but I will always be me. I have learned so far that becoming a young adult and deciding for you is not easy. We want the best for ourselves and our future but determining what is the best is what life is all about. We won’t get it right to first time, or the second time or maybe even the 10th time, but we learn from them and seek alternate routes when need be. One way or another we will find our place in the world but it won’t be easy. Life will never be easy. It takes you around in all directions, it shows you all different outcomes and sooner or later one of those outcomes is the one for you. You just have to decide when to stop running from them all.

The closer I get to entering into the Real world feels like falling off the edge of the world if there were one and getting nowhere. I’m breathing and panting heavily but here is no air at times. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I hype myself up because I don’t have all the answers, but who does? This life is a running marathon; you know that all this suffering will soon come to an end, but getting there takes all the endurance you have. Use every bit of that endurance and you an dI will finally see the light where it never shined for us before.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Running Mind

Growing up I had always had a hard time communicating effectively how I felt on certain topics that had importance in my life, whether it be why someone upset me to why certain things touch my heart the way they do. It led to a lot of frustration and confusion for me and others around me.

One day years and years ago, I was in a sort of predicament that was making my feel really edgy. If you don’t know me or how I use the term edgy, I was feeling like I needed to physically do something because my heart was racing and I became very fidgety. I’m not the type of person to resort to physical violence and I honestly can’t think of another way to release that tension other than sex and maybe lifting at the gym, both of which wasn’t an option at this particular time. Lol! So for some reason I put on sneakers and ran out the door.

Now, at this point in my life, anyone who knew me knew that running at all, never mind for pleasure, wasn’t something I would do. I have been athletic my entire life and played on numerous soccer teams, and whenever we had to run I was the one who made the annoying “ugh” sigh.

As I ran out the door I remember asking myself; “ok, this is going to do what for me?” “Where am I even going?” and “Why am I doing this?” Well I definitely didn’t answer any of those questions until I returned home.

I in that small half hour found a piece of mind I can go to gather my thoughts; to relieve myself of the pressure for finding answers and communicating right on queue. I have come to realize that I am really bad when under pressure and I need alone time to figure things out on my own.

Now running has become almost a daily ritual to my life. Not every day do I have time to go running; like everyone else in this class or anywhere, we all have lives and responsibilities that do not always let us get away with our “alone” time or “healing” time. Growing to become the young woman that I am today, I have learned that life does not get easier. It gets much harder but also opens your eyes to new and exciting things. So when I am faced with those tough situations that I have to do something about and can’t come to conclusion with, you can bet that I find my sneakers and take a run. I do my best thinking out there. I know no one is going to call and interrupt me or be there to bother me.

Not to mention it keeps me in shape.

This is just a starter blog, and I will continue to add to this. But I just wanted you to know a big something about me and how I get through life’s day to day issues!


Allison Cote said...

It's great that you have found a release. I can't stick with running. As soon as it gets to hard, I stop. So, I stick with the elliptical and weights.

biscotti dana said...

Hope your run this weekend goes well! And that your shins feel better.

I'll update your grade soon, so don't worry. (Just remind me next class if I've forgotten; I now have three students to remind me of that promise.)

Insightful posts; I'll send you notes via e-mail, or hand them to you at our next class, depending on when I sit down with my grading.


Lindsey said...

I feel the same way about working out. Life can be full of tension, confusion and frustration. Phsycially releasing that energy through exercise is the most positive way to deal with negative energy. I'm pretty much a borderline midget so I stick to the elliptical, stationary bike and stairmaster. I'm so impressed with your long distance running! You Go Girl!